Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Good Dose of Mexican Food

Today is the day. As I write, I am sitting in my very first executive lounge, in a comfy chair, with free snacks, drinks and alcohol. It's a crazy feeling but that doesn't really compare to the feeling of not knowing when we will see our family again. We know it will come, but not exactly sure when.

Free bar in British Airways Lounge

Last week, I continued to wait for Luke to join me Houston. On Wednesday, Michaela and Lori came over for a playmate with Cooper and Zoey. Zoey had a friend this time and one just about her age. It was super cute seeing her and Frankie being sweet little girls with Cooper being a big boy and Bennett being a baby boy. It was great to get to see each them again and somewhat alone.

Frankie, Cooper and Zoey eating lunch
Zoey, Bennett and Frankie sharing a toy :-)

Luke and I found out that we will be expecting a new nephew in December. We are so sad that we will not be able to see Baby Trahan when he is born :-(

Parker opening blue balloons to reveal he will have a brother soon!

Thursday was dad's 61st birthday. I picked up Luke from Lupe Tortilla and got to eat lunch with MOST of the siblings (no Chase or Austin, booooo). From there Luke got to experience the energy bottled up inside Cooper before dinner. The family went to Joe's Crab Shack. Dad "won a trip" to Hawaii where he did the hula while wearing some awesome Hawaiian gear.

Happy 61st Birthday, Dad!

Friday evening was a joy since we got to eat at the most delicious restaurant, Little Pappasitos, with a person we see way too little, Luke's dad. It always enjoyable drinking some margaritas, eating the best fajita beef and having casual conversation with a special person. Afterward, we met up with a few friends at Cedar Creek for a few drinks. Of course we stayed up way too late, but luckily we got to stay in Houston rather than drive back to Dickinson.

At Big Woodrows in Houston (THE LSU hangout in h-town)
Leah Benoit and me

Saturday morning Luke and I enjoyed some coffee before eating at Yia Yia Mary's for the first time. Pretty good but it is no Albasha. I really like that Orange Odyssey drink though. We hung out at Michaela's for a few hours and then with the Benoit's before a night out with friends. We started at The Tasting Room in the Galleria for a few glasses of wine and some appetizers. After a bit, we made our way to Liberty Station as more people joined us for the night. In the end, we stopped to see what the fuss was about Sawyer Park but got too tired to hang around. After an expensive car ride back to the Calva's home, we finally got into bed around 2:30am. Doesn't seem too late considering in Louisiana we would get into bed at 5am after a big night out.

Me and Michaela at The Tasting Room

Me and Jorie next the giant Jenga at Liberty Station in Houston
Me, Lori, Jorie and Michaela
Luke and Michaela

Sunday came quickly even though we woke up at 10:30am. We visited with the Calva's for a few hours procrasting the decision on what to do for the day. We tooled around Houston in the parts we haven't really seen before and parts that have changed since our departure 4 years ago. In the evening, we ended up at Aunt Maria's and Uncle Mickey's to have some Escalante's for dinner. From here, we said our good-byes some family members.

We love us some Parker!

Monday, we played with the kids, did some laundry and took care of the dreaded cell phone business. The decision: I have kept my cell phone only to keep the number. I cannot use the service without getting charged international fees, but I can still use wifi while on airplane mode. I will use it when visiting back in the states. There. It's finalized!

On Tuesday, Luke was super duper nice and spent over 3 hours scrubbing the car clean. Our baby has a new owner named Julie Berry. It was a difficult thing to let go of, but again, we do have new and shiny things coming our way soon. We will always love you Lucy!

This was our baby for two and a half years.

On Wednesday, I was fairly stressed getting the luggage organized. After figuring it out, we were able to have one last meal in the states. Where do you think we ate? If you did not answer Pappasitos, you obviously don't know the best food in Houston! Mom, Julie, Becca, Cooper, Zoey, Betsy and Caroline gave us a great last meal!

Pappasitos one last time!
Sweet hugs from Zoey

We headed to the airport in rain... as if we won't get enough of that in Scotland... I could do without the heat though. We unloaded the car of our 6 giant bags plus a few carry-ons, made our way easily thru security and here I am in this lovely lounge. Only a hour before our flight.

Good-byes at the airport. "Now switch it up this time!"

Closing my current chapter in the states. I will miss everyone but it won't be long before we are back. Good bye Mexican food. Good bye heat. Good bye dollars. See you in a few years!

H-town skyline


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