Friday, October 12, 2012

Add 1 to 2, then Add 3 More

Actual date of this event: 1-4 October

When I last blogged, I discussed the fun road trip that Luke and I took with Julie. Since then, we have been busy busy bees, but I will start from when I last blogged...

On Monday, I made the executive decision that since good weather was forecasted for the first half of the day, it was a must to visit Dunnottar Castle. Luke was working, so Julie and I set off on our own. This meant that I was in charge of knowing where to go... or at least pretend. Without a smartphone, I had to screen capture maps on my ipad, write down directions, and follow the road signs... just like the old days. Sounds terrible, right? Seriously, its not so bad, but I still want a smartphone (hopefully this weekend!). Anyway, the driving went just fine.

I had been to the castle before, so while taking pictures, I tried to focus on Julie's reaction to the beauty that is Dunnottar.

And of course, since it was a nice day, it was impossible to NOT take some shots of the scenery.

After the castle, we stopped at Stonehaven to have some fish and chips.
For dinner, Julie insisted that she cook us a meal. A meal is was! She grilled some lamb chops, pork chops AND steaks! With caprese salad, various cheeses, and smoked salmon. Yummy yummy! I contributed my brussel sprouts. What a relaxing evening!

Since we had done so many things over the weekend, I decided to take it easier on Tuesday and Wednesday. There were plenty of places that I could have taken Julie, but those can be saved for next time. So on Tuesday, we made it a day at some grocery stores. We started off around 10:30am and headed to Costco. We spent plenty of time in there, so we could compare it to Sam's Club (because we were never part of Costco back home). We also went to another big grocery store, Tesco, to get some things for Wednesday's activity. After going home and unloading the groceries, it was 3pm. We really spent 4.5 hours in a grocery store! Now, we had two hours before picking up Luke from work, so we decided to go to Asda to see the difference between it and Walmart. Accidentally, we were late picking Luke up from work, and felt TERRIBLE.

That evening, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Lairhillock Inn which is out inthe country - about 20 min away. Luke and I had never been to the Inn before, but had heard it was wonderful. We each ordered different items, and all were yummy - especially the Sticky Toffee Pudding!

On Wednesday, Julie and I were following the request of the man of the house! We allowed him to take the car to work which meant where we wanted to go, we had to walk. Not a problem! We needed to be at home by around 3pm because our task of the day was GUMBO. Luke has been dying for Gumbo, and since I am not from Louisiana, Gumbo isnt my thing. Well, cooking in general is not my favorite activity, so a four hour Gumbo is not up my alley.

Well, we started off the day by walking to the City Centre to see some shopping store. We went to Union Square, TK Maxx, Mamas & Papas, Marks & Spencers, and many other places. And since I wasnt driving, it was only proper for us to stop for a glass of wine before heading back home to cook the gumbo. Luke was so excited for gumbo, he even skipped the gym!

On Thursday morning, I finally got in a little workout. I had not had any time or energy to jog since before our road trip. It felt super nice to burn a few calories! And the big news of Thursday, is my parents arrived! Julie and I picked them up at the airport around 10:45am. And again, I was driving without Luke, so I ended up "taking a little detour" on the way home from the airport. Roundabouts + large truck + no GPS = taking a wrong turn and ending up in the city centre. Not a big deal because my parents got to see Union Street and the city centre right away. I am sure they were both in a daze and didnt remember much of it since they didnt get much sleep on the airplane. So we went back home so they could take a nap (actually, my dad went jogging first). Meanwhile, I made some cookies for my dad, and Julie went on a walk around the city for a few hours.

I picked up from Luke, and then my parents and I headed out to walk around the city for a few hours and get a drink while Luke stayed back to jog. We took it easy for the night since we had a big three days coming up!

Coming up next... our family of 5 trip the country's capitol!

Dunnottar Castle and Stonehaven can be seen in the Mel Gibson film version of Hamlet.


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