Friday, February 8, 2013

Oldies but Goodies

While my parents visited back in October, I put all of the pictures from my dad's camera onto my computer. Man oh man this camera had some old pictures on it. I had posted a few on Facebook at that time, but didn't really get a chance to look through all of them until now.
Most of the pictures were of my nephew, Cooper, during his first year. I also found a few from my wedding weekend, some from when my mom visited Ohio, and a few of my niece, Zoey. I also found quite a few videos... one specifically of my mom filming my sister, Becca, changing Cooper's diaper. Why, mom? Why??!?!! And I also learned that it takes my dad about 4 seconds to figure out that he is taking a video when he should be taking a picture. Anyway, I picked a few of my favorites to share with you today...

When Luke and I met Cooper, our first nephew, for the very first time (September 2007)
He was a big baby, but I remember thinking that he was so tiny. I'm not much of a baby person, their weak necks freak me out, so I was really nervous holding him. Anyway, check out that stuff on top of Luke's head!

Cooper's first Christmas (2007)
I'm not so freaked out in this picture. We got together at the Goins' home because it would have been way too difficult for Becca and Eric to transport all of Cooper's presents back home.

Cooper learned to sit up (Easter 2008)
I just love this picture! Probably my favorite of all of the ones on the camera. It is just too adorable... love how he is grabbing his feet. Hehe, there was also a video of this which included him smiling :)

My dad and I in the limo before we went into the church for my wedding (June 2009)
I remember sitting in the limo watching all of my friends going into the church and waving at them through the tinted windows although no one could see me. After we got out of the limo, the photographer snapped a shot of my dad holding my train going into the church which I did not know he did. So sweet dad!!

Baby Zoey (November 2010)
I just love her face! And she still make that same face today! This little girl cracks me up! My mom is stubborn. I am super stubborn. But this little one puts us to shame. Love her so much though!

After sifting through these pictures, I came up with a fun idea that I hope you all will enjoy for weeks to come! TBT!!! I will admit, I didn't know what TBT meant until maybe two weeks ago. Throw Back Thursday! Every Thursday, I will post a special story from years ago. Even Luke doesn't know some of these stories, so I am super excited to share them.

Until next time folks... Have a great weekend!

The first US patent for digital cameras was granted in 1970. The first attempt at building one was in 1975. The camera weighed 8 pounds, had a resolution of 0.01 megapixels, and took 23 seconds to capture an image. Source



  1. Replies
    1. Hehehe, we all had a good laugh at this on Friday night! Well, all except Luke. :-)
