Thursday, February 21, 2013

#TBT: Cheerleading Camp

After making fun of EVERYONE else during last week's Throw Back Thursday, I decided I should get the hurtin' this week...
Meet Olga
(I think that was her name)
After retiring from gymnastics in the summer between 5th and 6th grade, I decided to join the cheerleading squad that my gymnastics' gym (South East Gymnastics Academy - SEGA which is pronouced seeeeeega, not like the video games) created with all of the retired gymnasts - we pretty rocked in the tumbling department! We went to camp over the summer at Baylor University where we learned new cheers (even though we didn't cheer for anyone, since we were strictly a competition squad) and new dances.

One night, I decided to... um... dress up like this. I have no idea why. Well, yes, I do. I was 12 years old and what else do you do at 12 years old? I am pretty sure that is my coach's bra I am wearing... and those are the bloomers that I wore under my cheerleading skirt... aaaaaaaand I think I just got rid of those night shorts like two years ago. The scrunchy on my wrist... can we bring back scrunchies?

Fun story about camp - the first year at the Baylor camp, we had a shaving cream fight in the dorm where we ran into each other's dorm room spraying each other with shaving cream. It was so super messy, but so super fun! The second year at camp, we decided to make it a tradition, and the second time around wasn't as fun because I think we got kicked out of camp... seriously.

If times could be like this nowadays, well then I probably wouldn't be married.
Dancing at UCA Nationals at Disney World
See me snapping those fingers? Yeah - I got the moves like Jagger.

**If you have a throw back picture of you and me that you would like featured on TBT, shoot me an email :)

My first year at cheerleading nationals, I was so nervous that I puked before the competition. The second year at nationals, my sister puked from being nervous. Apparently, the Zalewski girls have some weak nerves.



  1. no, no, no... i was sick; had the great 24 hour stomach bug. couldn't keep anything do, not even aqua.

    1. YEAH YEAH YEAH that's what we all say :-) JK, that sounds familiar now that you say that. Can I use that excuse also?
