Thursday, February 14, 2013

#TBT: Family Rivalry

Happy Valentine's Day
... but no one cares about that! We care about Throw Back Thursday!

Welcome to the first ever post of Throw Back Thursday! I have a long list of throw backs... I'm tempted to do one everyday or do Flash Back Friday in addition, but for now, I'll stick with Thursday. Eeeeeekkk, so excited!

Left to Right Standing: 
Uncle John, Uncle Paul, Becca, Mom (Judy), Aunt Ann, me, Aunt Joann, Dad (Tom)
Kneeling: Aunt Barbara

Yep, I have a family divided! My dad is a Wolverine ... my mom is a Buckeye.

except switch them around

Growing up, it was always so much fun to hear a little bit of innocent trash talking between my mom's family and my dad's family. I always took my dad's side while my sister took my mom's side. Back then, Michigan usually dominated in football and basketball, so my side usually won.

Let's break down that picture...
1.) Look at my dad's shorts!!
2.) Look at my mom's hair!!
3.) Why is my dad in shorts & a t-shirt and Aunt Barb is in a sweatshirt & jeans?
4.) Look how high Becca's pants are pulled up!!
5.) Look at Becca's smile!!! Hahahaha... sorry Becca!
6.) That yellow bucket is totally photo bombing.
7.) Becca has some kind of patch on her jeans... whaaaaa??
8.) My dad has HAIR!
9.) I am totally normal.

That was fun! Let's do it again next week!!!

Do you have a family rivalry?

**If you have a throw back picture of you and me that you would like featured on TBT, shoot me an email :)

First Football Meeting: October 17, 1897  --  Michigan 35 - Ohio State 0
Michigan leads the football rivalry: 58-44-6
