Thursday, October 10, 2013

Up and Coming

Since Italy, I haven't done much travel planning, so I have pretty much taken off the past two weeks. We have Berlin coming up, but we have the main stuff booked, so it will just take the week of to figure out the details.
{Luke heard the Brandenburg gate is covered in scaffolding. Can anyone confirm? source of photo}
We also have Amsterdam coming up, but we are going with my friends Kelly and Billy who live in Stuttgart, Germany. That is a group effort, and won't take too much planning.
{source of photo}
We also, just this week, decided to take a trip to the German Christmas Markets with Jill and Ryan and will be staying in Rothenburg. Sleeping arrangements have been made, flight is about to be booked (after I finish writing this), and the rest is a piece of cake (oooh, pumpkin cake)!
{Doesn't this just make you want to go???! source of photo}
It has been nice to relax (as if my life is hard...)! I read two books last week! I haven't read since March! I finished one of the books in a day... I have never done that before! Now, that day was pretty worthless, but hey, that's a pretty big accomplishment! And... the book was only 260 pages, but it's still a book!

Anyway, this past Monday rolled around, and I got extremely paranoid. Paranoid that our time here in London will be ending soon, and that we won't get to see and do everything we want. Luke says that I am crazy, and there is absolutely no reason for me to think this. Luke and I have lived in London for 6 months now. Our 6 month anniversary came and went just two days ago - somehow, I missed it. When we lived in Aberdeen, it was around the 6 month mark that we announced to our friends that we would be moving to London. I think I am paranoid because of our short life in Aberdeen... but mainly because I took two weeks off from travel planning. That came back to haunt me... actually it has probably haunted Luke more than me.

I sat down earlier this week and sorted out our calendar for 2014. Can y'all believe 2014 is less than three months away!?!? Anyway, first up on the agenda is a ski trip, and I would love to go to Austria. I have heard Austria is a great place to ski... but mainly because it is in the lower price range. There are so many resorts in The Alps, so many sets of mountain peaks, and I don't even know where to begin with planning!
{Look at all of that mountain! source of photo}
So I am asking for some help... if you have any...
Have you been skiing in Austria? Where did you go skiing? Did you enjoy it? Where would you recommend we go that isn't too expensive? Thanks in advance!

The City of London is one of the smallest cities in the world. It lies within the metropolis of Greater London and is just a little over 1 sq mi. About 80% of the City of London was destroyed by the Great Fire in 1666.

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